- 過濾精密度:0.5微米
- 有效過濾水量:750加侖 (2,839公升)* * 當水流速度減慢時應更換濾芯,建議每6至9個月更換一次,但亦視乎用水量及水質而異,濾芯最長使用期為12個月。
- 流量:0.75加侖/分鐘 (2.84公升/分鐘)
- 產品榮獲 NSF/ANSI Std. 42 及53認證
- 適用水温:攝氏4.4-38度
- 適用水壓:25-120psi
3M™全效型濾芯 AP Easy C-Complete 。濾芯通過NSF認證,有效過濾水中平均99.3%鉛粒子及離子,同時亦有效過濾水中揮發性有機化合物 VOC#、鐵銹、仔氯、異味、沉積物及隱孢子蟲。
#包括苯、對二氯苯、草脫淨 (除草劑) 、加保扶 (農藥) 及林丹 (殺蟲劑) Include Benzene, P-Dichlorobenzene , Atrazine, Carbofuran and Lindane.
- Micron Rating: 0.5 micron
- Capacity: 750 Gals (2,839L)* * Change the cartridge when the water flow becomes slow. Suggest to change cartridge every 6 to 9 months. Cartridge life varies by water consumption and water quality but the maximum life is 12 months only.
- Flow Rate: 0.75 gpm (2.84 lpm)
- Operating Temperature:4.4-38⁰C
- Operating Pressure: 25-120psi
Cartridge is certified by NSF/ANSI Std. 42 & 53. Effectively filter 99.9% lead, VOC# , rust, chlorine taste, odor, sediment and cysts in water.
# Include Benzene, P-Dichlorobenzene , Atrazine, Carbofuran and Lindane.
Improved drinking water quality, minerals are still in water which are essential for our daily healthy life.