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型號: 3M™ 淨呼吸™ 靜電空氣濾網 - 超效能過濾14"x232" (9908L)



  • 採用3M™Filtrete™ 靜電空氣濾網技術,能有效過濾PM2.5微粒、花粉、細菌、煙霧等致敏原。
  • 獨特技術令濾網的靜電效能持久,不易受溫度及濕度的轉變而影響其吸附效果,功效勝於一般聲稱類似的產品。
  • 本型號經獨特抗油處理,特別針對油性污染物較多的環境,常見的油性污染物包括汽車及工業排放、煮食油煙及香煙等。
  • 濾網之纖維呈疏孔結構,確保通風量正常,但同時纖維不易四處飛揚。
  • 濾網用法簡單,適用於窗口式及分體式冷氣機、空氣清新機及抽濕機等。
  • 為確保過濾效能並避免增加機器負擔,建議每一至兩個月定期更換
  • 3M™Filtrete™空氣濾網為美國肺臟協會關注健康伙伴



Model: 3M™ Filtrete™ Air Cleaning Filter - Ultra Allergen Reduction 14"x232" (9908L)



  • contains permanently electro-statically charged Filtrete™ fibers that attract and retain airborne micro-particles and allergens.
  • Combines the optimal balance of filtration efficiency and air flow.
  • This model has higher resistance to oil & oily residue. Commonly found oily pollutants include automotive and industrial emissions, cooking fumes and cigarettes.
  • Filtration Efficiency towards PM2.5 is 40 times higher than that of general air conditioner's plastic screen filter.
  • Applicable for window type and split type air conditioner
  • Recommend to change filter every 1-2 months to reduce air blockage
  • 3M™ Filtrete™ Air filter is Health Partner of Amercan Lung Associatoin

Powered by Filtrete™ filtration technology. Filtration efficiency towards PM2.5 is 40 times higher than that of general air conditioner's plastic screen filter. This model has higher resistance to oil and oily based pollutants. This model is 14"x232" economy pack.

3M™ 淨呼吸™ 靜電空氣濾網 - 超效能過濾14"x232"(9908L)-Ultra Allergen Reduction 14"x232"(9908L)



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