型號: 美國龜牌 TWA-185 極致細密絨毛洗車手套 20 x 28 x 4 cm
- 比普通滌綸海綿更快速、更安全、更有效
- 優質超細纖維纖維(長股),股線比一般海綿超細纖維更粗長
- 更快速地清除車輛表面的污垢和碎屑,纖維可深入其中並安全地清潔汽車表面
- 防止出現漩渦痕跡和輕微划痕
- 採用80%滌綸和20%超細纖維聚酰胺的優質混合材料,使洗滌過程比以往更高效、更安全、更有效
Model: Turtle Wax TWA-185 Ultimate Crazy Plush Microfibre Wash Mitt 20 x 28 x 4 cm
- Faster, safer, and more effective than a regular polyester sponge
- Premium microfiber fibers (long strands) with longer and thicker strands than sponge microfiber washing in general
- More quickly remove dirt and debris from the surface of the vehicle, hold it deep in its fibers and safely clean it from the surface of your car
- Prevents the onset of swirl marks and light scratches
- Turtle Wax Ultimate Crazy Plush Mitt makes the washing process more efficient, safer, and more effective than ever with a premium blend of 80% polyester and 20% Microfibre polyamide
- Direction: Flush the car with pressurized water to shed rough dirt. After that, prepare a mixture of water and soap and dip the Microfiber Wash Sponge before using. Dip and shake the Microfiber Wash Sponge in the water to clean it during use